Woman – the builder

God’s intention for womanhood is that she builds.  To build means to construct, put together, strengthen, improve etc.

From the above definition, the woman as a builder is to construct, put together, strengthen or improve.

How is the woman meant to be a builder?

She is to build herself in her most holy faith: This is the core of her ability to build in any other area. Building the foundation of her life on the Lord Jesus matters a lot. What you put your faith on matters, as this affects your daily life choices. She builds her most holy faith having come to God by the work of Grace that Christ did at Calvary, and thereby come boldly before God in a daily life of prayer and the word as she builds a personal walk with God.

She is to labour to build up her husband: Though we live in a time where many women are not building up the man, it is our duty as Christian women to build up the men around us in our homes, churches and communities and not tear them down.  Prov 14:1 specifically addresses the woman as a builder, it says Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands. Proverbs 14:1 KJV. No matter how strong a man is, there is still a contribution his wife needs to contribute to his life for his further benefit. Therefore, a woman makes her home a place for her husband to find edification, comfort and encouragement.

She is to build relationships: The woman is made for relationship both with God and men. This is very vital. Women thrive the most in relationship, this inherent aspect of the woman is core to her ability to build whatsoever.  I believe this was an aspect of her that the devil saw and used to exploit her. The nature of women as builders of relationships had given them away as sex toys, gossipers, backbiters etc. The enemy knows how effective this aspect of the woman, and unfortunately many women do not, so they make themselves vulnerable to all relationships that comes their way.

She builds her children:  Here is another area where the builder design of the woman ought to be carried out. Though the upbringing of the children belongs to both father and mother, the daily upbringing, instruction to children lies mostly in the hands of the woman in the home. She labours to build her children up in the faith she received, she does this as she communicates God’s words to her children through grace and watch them grow in Christ as she presents her children to God in prayer. She builds them up academically, morally, emotionally etc.

She builds others up with her words: This is a very vital and significant aspect of women. Since the garden of Eden, the tongue of the woman trespassed in communicating with the enemy of God and tasting the forbidden fruit, and till date women struggle so much with the sins of the tongue. Women have torn down other people’s marriage, relationships, workplaces, churches etc with just their mouth. The words of women is one of the strong weapon the enemy uses to destroy. Eph4:29 tells us to let our words be such that bring edification to others How do you speak concerning your husband, particularly to your children, friends, families etc. How do you speak of you minister? Does your word build up or tear down? Do you gossip, slander men around you, if yes, you are not building, you are living below God’s purpose for your life.  Do you join social media to make negative comments about others or help share negative information about someone on your social media platform, then you are not a builder, you are operating against God’s desire for your life. Prov 18:21 says Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

She builds up with her outlook: The scriptures in 1Tim2:9 asks women to adorn themselves in modest apparel, that is to say, they should build up their outlook in modesty. This is the standard every christian women ought to pursue. There is beauty in modesty. Women are to build up the men around as they dress modestly, no woman is meant to be the ladder for any man to sin. A woman’s outlook must edify the forth coming young women.

Every builder has tools to build with and plans or patterns to build. As a Christian woman who wants to build and build to pattern, you need the right tool and the right pattern. The tool and the pattern for you is God, His word and the Holy Spirit, the input of godly women, and particularly older women, and the support of other women of like passion.  To be the builder God intended you to be, you must above all else, Keep your heart with all diligence; for out of your heart are the issues of life. Prov 4:23


Building is what you are called to do, so start building from hence forth.

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