- Day 1: Balam, a cursing prophet Women in revival Podcast 12:10
- Day 2: Who are your companion? Women in Revival Podcast 10:48
- Day 3: Balaam, a man who once spoke with God. Women in Revival podcast 15:36
- Day 4: Balaam received Gods permissive will Women in Revival podcast 13:16
- Day 5: His journeying to Moab Women in Revival podcast 13:14
- Day 6: His reaction to His ass Women in Revival podcast 11:01
- Day 7: Heard, but could not perceive Women in Revival podcast 11:47
- Day 8: Balaam’s eyes were opened Women in Revival podcast 11:44
- Day 9: A continuous longing to go on Women in Revival podcast 9:27
- Day 10: A woman in the gap Women in Revival podcast 13:53
- Day 11: She turned aside Women in Revival podcast 14:39
- Day 12: She thrusted herself WWomen in Revival podcastomen in Revival 11:59
- Day 13: She fell under Balaam Women in Revival podcast 11:07
- Day 14: Unable to take responsibility Women in Revival 7:31
- Day 15: She shall eat from her sweat Women in Revival podcast 8:28
- Day 16: She received heaven’s commendation Women in Revival podcast 12:46