Prayer sentinel

This page features our daily prayer sentinel, a week day prayer focus.

May the Lord find you as His watchwoman. Amen!

Persecuted Christians

Info: Over 200 million believers in 50 countries are experiencing persecution. Some wives have become widows, husbands have become widowers, children have become orphans, and churches are burnt down due to persecution. These families and churches are our brothers and sisters all over the world.  See more

Bible Translators

Info: Bible translators are men and women who labour to translate the Bible from its original language to another or local language that will be understandable to the people. Wycliffe, Ajayi Crowther, Martin Luther, William Tyndale, Monks and scholars worked hard to translate the Bible for the common people.  See more

Bible Translations

Info: The Bible has been translated from the Biblical Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic to many other languages. Some parts of the Bible has been translated into up to 3,312 languages, however, there are still many people groups that lacks the Bible in their own languages.  See more

Our Boroughs

Info: Boroughs are the administrative unit of a town or district. It is called local government in some countries.

Here in UK (England) we have boroughs. They are often governed by councillors with an MP representing them in the house of parliament. See more


Our Counties

Info:  Counties are territory divisions, they are what some other countries calls state. Boroughs falls under County. E.g. Kent County, Essex etc. In England, we have about 48 Counties.   See more

United Kingdom

Info:  Another name for country is nation. There are 195 Countries in the world. Today, we are praying specifically for United Kingdom. It is called United Kingdom because it comprises of 4 different nations, namely England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Read more

Rural areas:Villages/Hamlets

Info: Rural areas are places like villages and hamlets.  They are usually smaller than a town. Hamlets form a village, villages form a town, towns form a city etc. Rural areas are usually left behind with social amenities, Christian missions etc. Read more


Info: Health workers are men and women who help to protect and improve the health of the public. Some labour in the hospital, care homes, patient homes etc. They labour for the good health of the public.  Read more


Info: Disabled adults are people ages 18 upward who are impaired compared to a usual adult. This impairment can be sensory, physical, mental, cognitive etc. These people live with daily challenges to meet up with the demand of life. Read more


Info: Disabled children are people ages 0-17 who are impaired compared to usual children. They are also referred to as “Special need children” Their impairment can be sensory, physical, mental, cognitive etc. Read more


Info: The Anglican Communion is also referred to as “Church of England”. It is the state church of England. Many sees the Anglican Communion from negative point of view, but this denomination has in time past and now upheld the gospel. Read more


Info: This is another part of the body of Christ. The Baptist church is found in many parts of the world. Some of the past Revivals were anchored by Baptists. God used the Baptist church in the past in His mighty move, and He is still using them even today.  Read more

Places that once experienced the Gospel

Info: There are many places that had experienced the gospel in time past. The seven churches Jesus wrote His letter to in the book of Revelation were once Christian territories, but today, they are taken over by Islam. In today’s time, those seven churches are in Turkey. Read more


Praying For Schools

Info: School is the institution where our children are educated, be it kindergarten, nursery, primary, secondary or university.  Read more

Praying For Town/City Centres

Info:  The Town Centre or City centre is the commercial or geographical area of a town. It is the area of high activities. Sometimes, you may see groups of youths roaming around or causing chaos etc in a city centre. Read more

Praying for the church

Info:  The Church is the body of Christ. Jesus Himself said He will build His church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  The church are the people we called “Christians” Read more

Praying For Opendoors

Info: Open doors is a Christian Organisation that reaches out to persecuted Christians.  Read more

Praying For Pakistan

Info: Pakistan is a country created for Islam. It was created in 1947 as an independent homeland for India Muslims. It is called Islamic Republic of Pakistan. It is a nation where believers have witnessed severe persecution. Read more

Praying For Scotland

Info: Scotland is one of the four nations that make up United Kingdom. It is a nation of about 5,404,700 population.

It is a nation with Christian heritage. This country has experienced Read more

Praying For Canada

Info:Canada is situated in northern part of North America. It is a land flowing with milk and honey. As at 2018, Canada had the population of over 36 million. This country like Scotland had experienced Revival in the past. Read more

Praying For Sierraleone

Info: Sierraleone is a nation that has suffered a lot, nonetheless we see God’s mercy poured forth for this nation. It is a nation with 5 to 6 million population. The country is rich in natural resources like diamonds and other minerals. Read more

Praying on Brexit

Our Nation Britain is negotiating and seeking the way out of EU. The set out month is March 2019. Our cry over Brexit is that God’s will be done.  Read more

Info: Human traffickers are those that take people from one place to another, particularly one country to another for the purposes of house maids or sex trade, and unfortunately, many of the victims are hugely abused emotionally, physically, mentally and even sexually. Read more

Prayer for African leaders

African is one of the most blessed continents in the world, but, unfortunately, this continent has suffered malnutrition, war, economy breakdown etc. due to mismanagement of resources and bad leaders. Read more

Praying For Europe

Info: Europe is a continent with about 50 sovereign states (that is 50 nations), 6 with little or limited recognition. Within Europe is what we know as the European Union and its member states, not all the nations in Europe continents are part of the EU. It is a continent that has experienced Revival in the past.  Read more

Praying for Marriages

Info: Marriage is the union of one man and one woman. Marriage is ordained by God. The plan of God is that through marriage the earth will be populated. The enemy rages alot against marriages because he knows that marriages are the bedrocks of families and that of the community, the church and the nations.  Read more

Praying For The Youths

Info: People say the youth is the hope of the future. We all know the future belongs to God, yet I find wisdom in that saying. God will work tomorrow through the youths of today. Read more

Info: Nigeria is the largest country in West Africa. It is a country rich in both human and natural resources. There are many graduates but little or no work. Corruption is high in Nigeria at every level. Read more 

Info: Asia is the largest and most populated continent on earth. There are over 2300 languages in Asia. There is alot of persecution in this part of the world. It is also a continent of great idolatry and Buddhism. It is a land of many gods, so to say. Read more

Info: The French speaking nations varies, amongst which are Belgium, Republic of Benin, France etc. It is stated that there are about 29 French speaking countries. For our prayer wall today, we shall focus on Belgium. Read more

Info: Europe is a continent with about 50 sovereign states (that is 50 nations), 6 with little or limited recognition. Within Europe is what we know as the European Union and its member states, though not all the nations in Europe continents are part of the EU.  Read more

Info: Marriage 0-5 are marriages that are still at their foundation laying stage. There is alot to know and get adapted to in each other. This stage is ground breaking for the future of any marriage. It is said that the first seven years of marriage is very crucial. Read more

Praying for marriages 6-25 years

Info: Marraiges ages 6 to 25 years falls mostly withing the child rearing age. Both couples immerse themselves in the upbringng of their children. Read more

Praying For Surgeons

Info: Surgeons are medical men and women who are qualified to practice surgery, they have the skills to operate on patience.  Read more


Estranged husbands are husbands who are no longer living with their wives for some reason, this usually.. Read more


Human traffickers are those that take people from one place to another, particularly from one country to another for the purposes of house maids, sex trade, etc.  Read more

Prayer focus:Family dealing with autism

Upon your walls, Jerusalem, I have appointed sentinels. Continually, all day and all night, they won’t keep silent. you who call on the LORD. Read more

Upon your walls, Jerusalem, I have appointed sentinels. Continually, all day and all night, they won’t keep silent. you who call on the LORD , don’t rest. Isaiah 62:6 CEB Read more

Upon your walls, Jerusalem, I have appointed sentinels. Continually, all day and all night, they won’t keep silent. you who call on the LORD , don’t rest. Isaiah 62:6 CEB Read more

Upon your walls, Jerusalem, I have appointed sentinels. Continually, all day and all night, they won’t keep silent. you who call on the LORD , don’t rest. Isaiah 62:6 CEB  Read more

Prayer focus for marriages

Upon your walls, Jerusalem, I have appointed sentinels. Continually, all day and all night, they won’t keep silent. you who call on the Read more

Praying for wives

Upon your walls, Jerusalem, I have appointed sentinels. Continually, all day and all night, they won’t keep silent. Read more

In this unprecedented time, one of the people group we want to lift up in prayer are those with mental health issues. We owe them our prayers. Read more