Our Nearest Kinsman

Our Nearest Kinsman

From Thursday 17th to  Friday 25th  Jan 2019

  1. Day 1: God's covenanted people walked contrary to the covenant Women in Revival Podcast 14:34
  2. Day 2: The road to reconnecting back to God's covenant Women in Revival Podcast 21:50
  3. Day 3: Living life within the covenant of Grace community Women in Revival Podcast 18:26
  4. Day 4: Discovering the near kinsman in the covenanted community..wav Women in Revival Podcast 13:30
  5. Day 5: The nearer kinsman- ours by nature Women in Revival Podcast 18:30
  6. Day 6: Our nearest Kinsman - our Redeemer. Women in Revival Podcast 25:53
  7. Day 7: Redeemed to bear fruit for the Nearest Kinsman. Women in Revival Podcast 20:37

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