A few ladies shared their thoughts on the Lord Jesus’ ordeal in Gethsemane. It is my prayer that you find encouragement as you read through these sisters’ discoveries. May you also forget not Gethsemane.

Sister 1

How can I explain the travail at the Garden of Olives; the garden of crushing?

There in this Garden, I saw Christ as My Cup Bearer.

The job of a cup bearer is usually to taste the drink for the king before he drinks it. What a dangerous job. The cup bearer is to taste so the king can be sure that the drink is free of poison. And this is what Christ became for me, He drank the poison of sin at Gethsemane. 

God the Father’s eyes cannot behold sin, so Christ came, took my cup and drank, so that I can be presented to God with no poison.

The mount of olives here is the same as the Garden of Gethsemane. In the Garden of Eden, the first Adam collected the poison of sin for humanity, and years down the line, the last Adam came to drink the poison of sin for humanity. Not just the cup of one person but that of all that have ever existed, that exist now, and will ever exist. 

It is amazing that Christ knew that this was part of God’s package for His earthly sojourn, yet, He agreed to the plan, and even at Gethsemane, when He was offered that cup, He begged and Cry that the cup be taken away from Him, not that He was fearful of death, but fearful of the separation from the Father, He knew sin separates one from God, God’s nature does not accept sin. Yet, He cried for my sake, not my will, but God’s will be done. 

As I think of this, it is dawning on me afresh what He became for me. He became my cup bearer. He drank my portion of the sin nature and its produce. He cleansed me from within. What a mystery! What a love! To see that another willingly yielded Himself to drink my cup is overwhelming.

Sister 2

Gethsemane: A place of great sorrow, a place of anguish and pain. 

He went there willingly for me even when I’ve not yet met Him. 

Gethsemane, the place where Jesus prayed for me. “Very heavy” was the hour of hell’s midnight which fell upon His spirit.

“Very heavy” was this hour when all the sins of all the world fell upon His soul. The pressure was so heavy upon Him, the burden was so strange and intolerable that the flesh cried out for relief. His trusted and set watchers were asleep, His father’s face was hid, His father’s approving voice was silent, the Holy Spirit who had been with Him in all the trying hours of His life seemed to have withdrawn from the scene, for sin is anathema to God. Sin is serious!!

At Gethsemane, Alone He must drink the cup; the cup of wrath, the cup of separation, the bitterest cup of all is being pressed to His lips. He sought to be relieved from that which seemed too heavy to bear, He prayed however not in revolt against God’s will but in submission to that will.

Honestly, I cannot begin to comprehend the infinite depth or degree to which this grieved my Saviour, all for love sake, and all for me.

What manner of love is this. Your mercy, Oh Lord is all that I crave for every day of my life.

Sister 3

May we not trade this love for the glory of this earth. May we recognise sin, and hate it terribly, and run away as we remember Gethsemane.

Sister 4

May mercy and grace be ours in Jesus Name. What depths of love… steadfast love that paid such a prize to set us free. May we be grounded in the knowledge of the breadth, length, height and depth of that love of Christ. 

Sister 5

Gethsemane- where I was born. God went through great pain and anguish to set me free from sin and bondage of sin, so I can enjoy this new life in Him.

I feel really blessed to be saved and have my punishment taken away from me by God Himself. Thank You Lord Jesus for the sacrifice of love displayed for me at Gethsemane.

Sister 6

Thank God for His depth of Love for us.

Thank You Jesus for letting go Your rights for us. Thank You for Your willingness, Thank You for becoming Sin for us to be free. Thank You for Gethsemane. I really appreciate Your great love.

Dear reader, have you ever pondered on Gethsemane?

The disciples could not tarry with the Lord in prayer, and Christ willingly took the cup of sin, and He drank it, so that you can a sweet offering unto the Lord. 

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