Mother daughter by O D Osinibi

  1. What is the role of mothers in their daughters lives?

This question was answered for me as I looked at Luke 11:27. The role of mothers in their daughter’s life is to bear them (that is carry them and give birth to them).

We carry our daughters in our wombs, and we must continue to carry them in our spiritual wombs which is in the place of prayer.

Secondly, we are to birth them, which means to release them, or to help them into the next phase of their lives.

  1. What is the implication of not playing this role?

The implication of not playing this role is severe, it is like a woman in labour who refused to push, we all know the implications.

It might mean other people taking over the birth of that child, Caesarean Section may be required, emergencies may come in. In the same way, even after giving birth, if we do not engage our daughters, we make them vulnerable to the outside world that can pick them up and raise them wrongly.

  1. How can we cultivate mother daughter relationship with our girls?

I believe we can do this as we schedule deliberate times with them no matter how little it is. We can ask our daughters what they would want us to talk about, we can tell them about ourselves, our past, and what the Lord is doing with us now. Together we can use books, such as ones on puberty, on girls issues, we can look at girls in the Bible etc. We agree with them a particular day of the week/ time is “me and you time” and when we can chat about anything.

  1. What are the practical things to we can discuss with our girls and how can we do that?

We can discuss their day and/or our day. We can discuss relationships, puberty, their fears, concerns, our outlook and a host of subjects. We can go out together, use nature as object lessons, we can bake, sew, knit or cook together.

I think we should make our activities as short as possible so as to create a desire for more of these times.


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