As men and women were remembered yesterday, names were called, wreaths were laid for the 100 years of the end of World War 1.
How can I not celebrate the Captain whose life was laid down also?
This Captain is my very own, dear to me, my ISH (husband).
For the soldiers remembered yesterday 11th Nov 2018, it happened 100 years ago. And for my Beloved, it happened over 2000 years now. He was bold and courageous, happy to respond to the Father’s call to come to earth and die for me.
He came knowing fully well that His purpose for coming was to die, yet, He came, He lived, and at age 33, He went gallantly to willingly and joyfully lay down His life to end the war of sin and death between mankind and his Maker.
This Captain had the right not to lay down His life, but all for my sake, He died, He poured forth His life on the mount of Calvary.
Days go by, weeks run on, months go by and years go by, the memory of His death lives on in my heart.
Though He is the lion of Judah’s tribe, He won the victory for me as lamb slain on Calvary’s tree.
He did this for you too, He ended death and sin for you, but how ungrateful many of us are for the death of He who ended the war between mankind and God. Nations are grateful today for the labour of those Soldiers who bravely went to war for their nations.
Where is your grateful heart for the One who became your go between, the scapegoat for your sins?
Have you known Him? He is *JESUS*, the Bishop and the Captain of our souls.
On this remembrance day, He is standing at the door of your heart, saying, “I came for Thee, I died for Thee, and I rose for Thee, will you accept Him into your life today? John3:16, John 10 :11, John 10:18.