Sometimes, you find yourself in a group and someone in the group might ask for prayer, question raise an issue etc, and it is very easy to just respond back, maybe on a Facebook group, WhatsApp group etc, but I have also learnt that it is very important to single out the person outside the general talk to connect with them, in situations like these, I have made friends with quite a lot of ladies.
Ladies are longing for someone to identify with them beyond the crowd, so anytime a lady in your general group raises an issue, feel free to answer generally, but it will be so wonderful to connect one on one with such lady. There could be a personal matter that the lady really desires to chat about but is unable to do so in the group, so connecting further on a one on one basis opens a huge door of friendship and genuine relationships.
Authentic and lifelong relationships can be formed via social media platforms. Look for opportunities, be sensitive to the needs mentioned in your group, be willing to identify with an individual, and as you do this you will find out that you have become a blessing to many outside your general group.
Are you holding back what you might give or do for another sister? Ladies are generally relational, we thrive in relationships, I encourage you to begin to go beyond chorus response and find a way to connect to someone in need in your corporate group. In this way, you will connect with fellow women. Amen.