We have often heard of blood transfusions, organ transplants, cell transplants etc. Today, I want you to know of an ever relevant and effective transplant that was made for you. Christ, who was a royal child came to planet Earth, and at age 33 gave His blood on Calvary’s tree as a payment for you to live, not only in this present world, but even in the world to come.
As you know, many lives have been saved through organ and cell transplants and even blood transfusion, the blood of Jesus is more than effective to save and deliver you from any destruction.
Sometimes, we resort to substance abuse and many other things to sort out our life problems. Yet, there is a sure provision for the chief problem.of man, which is the problem of ‘sin’. Sin is the root of all problems, and Christ’s blood on Mount Calvary is the only sure way out of this human predicament.
The blood of Jesus is sufficient for your personal guilt, it will cleanse your personal mess, the blood of Jesus is perfect cleansing, and the blood of Christ is for your perpetual cleansing.
May you find the grace to come to this blood of Christ that is already ready for your personal, perpetual and perfect cleansing.