I feel truly saddened for my sisters and brothers that are struggling in their marriages, such situations in a marriage puts a strain on couples’ relationship with God.
It hinders their individual connection with God and their joint connection together as a couple.
We as the sentinels (praying men and women) really have a duty to pray for couples in such situations, because these people do not experience love, safety, trust and security, but hate and heartache.
The devil who is the enemy of marriage tries all he can to breakup marriages, because he knows that it symbolises our relationship with God, and marriage in the context of a redeemed man is meant to also show us what our husbands needs to aspire to, that is, they are to be as Christ in the marriage.
Unfortunately, in many marriages today, including Christian marriages, the standard of God for male and female is marred, many Christian marriages are lower than God’s desired standard for marriages. Some marriages are undergoing abuse in different forms, some are living together just as co-habiters, and no more as husbands and wives, and we as the people of God need to pray for such marriages, bearing them up before God continually.
We need to trust God to step in if abuse of any kind is present. Couples in such marriages may not have the means or energy left to continue or truly believe that God can change the person they love. While abuse cases needs to be stepped into by elders of the church, we as the people of God must pray to indeed restore the sanctity of marriage back to broken or struggling marriages.
We must pray that such marriages will come to know that God loves them so much and He gave Jesus for them, ever before they chose Him, He choose them, Jesus died for every sinner, so that when the sinner chooses Jesus at any point in life, they too have the chance to have Grace and Mercy. This is what couples in struggling marriages must know, and those with standing marriages ought to pray this for such marriages.
Our duty is not to judge these couples, but instead be thankful for the grace upon your own marriage and ask God to have compassion for marriages that are struggling to be God’s ideal marriage. Will you commit to pray for troubled marriages?