A woman like you

As the new year begins, may I challenge all women to take good hold on God’s word. A few days ago, we celebrated the birth of Jesus. The vessel God used to bring Jesus to earth was a woman just like you and me. Mary went through life just like us. She was not wholly righteous, just like us.
At a very tender age, she was given a great privilege to carry the Creator of the universe in her womb. This was not a light thing, it was a responsibility with great risk. If we try and think of the pain Mary would have had to go through as a pregnant young girl outside marriage, the change her body would go through and many other obstacles and difficulties she would have to put up with. We will wonder how could she have survived?

She must have been a woman who held unto God’s word dearly. If you go through her magnificat you will see that she quoted from Hannah’s praise to God in 1 Samuel, so that tells you that the little opportunity she had to glean from God’s word was of great importance to her.

As you journey through this year, it will be a year with its ups and downs, yet, you must be like Mary who cherished God’s word. 
Women are faced with diverse challenges, yet, the woman that knows her God will do exploit.

Make this year a year to settle down at the Lord’s feet, to inquire of Him, let God’s word be your succour. Make it a goal this year to engage God’s word.

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