Going through messages that I’ve missed during the Christmas season, yes, it was a busy month, and I am now looking forward to gleaning with my fellow gleaning sisters.
Ladies, let’s all get focussed entering the new year with regards to studying God’s word, for that is the only sure foundation.
Women are becoming more and more far away from God’s word, and yet, the only resort for women is the word of God. It is the only hope to all that lies ahead for us and every season we find ourselves.
We’ve been busy over the last two months to Christmas 2018, but the Lord has not been too busy to neglect on showing us His glorious nature through so many things, and one of such things is that I’ve been so privileged to go and see the Alps during Christmas, and one of the songs that kept ringing in my head is “Go tell it on the mountains, over the Hills and EVERYWHERE” and I prayed for an opportunity to discuss Jesus with someone on the mountain, The Lord used our Ski instructor and he held up a stick, smiled and said “I’m moses!” And of course, that opened a door. what a faithful God we serve.
This new year is a great opportunity to feast on God’s word and to share our faith with those that comes our way, it is a great opportunity to reach out to our fellow women, a little group study may do some great good. I am so thankful to the Lord for my gleaning group, for my sister’s dedication towards God and discipling others through mediums such as this. I pray for her and everyone reading this post here to earnestly seek God in a deeper way so that we may become more fruitful with each passing day. May we long to sit at God’s feet not only in desperate times, but in the moments when life seems so good too. We love you Lord & I love you sisters xxx