This month, in fact – between last night and this morning, one of my boys said, “I don’t believe in God” and the other one, “how do you even know this is true?” Lord, please let Your Spirit guide us in order for us to speak what they need to hear in order for their eyes to open. Let us be so sensitive to reflect You, so that when they look at us and hear you speak through us, that their eyes might also be opened just like with Cleopas in Luke 24 -30 When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. 31 Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight. Let us be reminded how important it is to break bread with our families… to share your word so that the Bread of Life, can change even the lives of our children.
I love how Pricilla Shirer always reminds her boys that they are boys of integrity – This could also be a practical way, how we can remind them of who they are in Jesus. And may we have grace whilst they are still struggling with how and why and when and who?