We live in a time when we have a huge amount of preachers of the gospel. Our television screens are full of them, the internet also has many.
Many are with great titles, great names, and you would have thought, yes, the Gospel is really preached, but in the heart of God, the preachers of our time are not heralding the Goodnews;, the sound doctrine of the kingdom.
And the Goodnews is, He is looking amongst the meek and lowly, He is seeking those who are willing to engage Him in His word, that He might put His word in their hearts so they can preach it to their generation. Perhaps you look down on yourself, thinking, ‘What do I have in my notebook from my quiet time that can ever bless others?’, My answer to that question is that God is able to take that which you think is insignificant to reach many beyond your imagination.
God went all the way to seek for John the Baptist, though in the wilderness. He was not intimidated nor ashamed to go to John to whisper His Words unto Him.
At such a time when there was Ananias and Caiaphas, God found it easier to go to a man with no great name and spoke His word through him. And this tells me that John the Baptist, though in the wilderness, though unheralded unlike the high priests, though what some would call a bush man, was in tune with the God of heaven.
Can God find you a woman in tune with Him? He is seeking for the unknown women, the insignificant women, those who seem foolish to this world, to proclaim His Word. May you be found worthy. Amen.