Treasuring God’s word

How easy it is for many women to treasure the words of great men and women. Oftentimes, people quotes the words of famous men such as William Shakespeare, Amy Carmichael, Michael Faraday, etc. It is not bad to think on these people’s words, but how marvellous it is for a woman to treasure the word of God. The words of humans are mere words, but the Words of God abide forever. Mary, the earthly mother of Jesus treasured God’s Word in her heart. What do you treasure in your heart? What do you fill your heart with?

As the saying goes, ‘Garbage in, garbage out.’You cannot treasure the word of God in your heart if you don’t take it in.

Mary, though had little opportunity to take in God’s word,(Women were not allowed in the proper parts of the temple) she took it seriously, she read it, memorised it, and then was able to treasured the same, and not only did she treasured it, but she treasured it up, meaning her treasuring of God’s word increased day by day. If Mary treasured God’s word despite the limitation, you also have a daily responsibility to treasure God’s word. We have many ways and opportunities to lay hold on God’s word. We have it in various translations and formats. The Bible is available on electronics now, you can listen to it on the go. There are diverse apps and resources that help us to study and memorise God’s word.

Mary treasured God’s word in her heart. She knew how precious the Word of God was, so she decided to use it wisely by storing God’s word in her heart.

For you also to prosper in your thought, you must treasure the word of God.

What have you treasured so far in this year? Your clothes, shoes, jewelries etc? Every earthly resource diminishes in value day by day, but the word of God that you treasured in your heart never loses its potency nor diminishes in value.

Why not put your heart on that that diminishes not? Make God’s word the treasure of your heart in this new year. Read, it, memorise it, meditate on it, listen to the audio version, and before you know it, your decisions will be affected because of the Word of God that you have taken in.