Bathsheba taught her son on relationship with the helpless, substance abuse, future partner and relating with opposite gender as we’ve been going through a series called “A Mother’s Legacy – few lessons from Bathsheba”, and today we’ll be finishing this series.
Bathsheba’s lessons were well thought out and taken from her experiences and failures. All she taught her son were all important. One of these important oracles she taught her son was what a spouse should be like.
Nowadays, teenagers and young adults get into romantic relationships perhaps earlier than they should, but it is never too early to impress on a child the qualities of a spouse. It is the honourable duty of parents to shape their children’s mind on what an ideal spouse should be in accordance with the scriptures.
“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.” This is the beginning of the 8th verse of Proverbs 31. Bathsheba taught her son Solomon, speaking up for the needy and helpless is an important aspect of Bathsheba’s lessons and of anything you also want to teach a child. Impressing on a child a proper attitude to the helpless might seem daunting, but Bathsheba is an example for all mothers and fathers.
Our society sometimes seems focused on the strong and the mighty, while the needs of those who are helpless are ignored or unnoticed. Bullying and racial abuse is on the high in our society. A christian mother ought to teach her children the need to extend a compassionate heart towards those who are different from them in a anyway and never misuse their positions or opportunities with the helpless.
As you read this blog, ask yourself what you are doing to prepare your child for future marriage, relationship with the opposite gender, substance abuse etc. Don’t focus on just the little chats you might have had or the Bible studies you might have done, but even more on what your own example has been. A saying from Benjamin Franklin says “What you tell me I’ll forget, what you teach me I’ll remember, and what you involve me I’ll learn”
Even if your child never gets married, there are principles to learn from these lessons. Praying that your motherhood praises God. Amen.