Favour is defined as the condition of being regarded with approval or good will. To have favour is to be known, to be respected, to be loved. It is a natural thing for any human being to want favour from
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Mary deepen her root in Christ in the times of Persecution
AD 44. Emperor Claudius is in charge and Herod Agrippa rules over the province of Judea. A dark cloud hung over the fledgling church. James the Elder has just been assassinated by Herod, and Simon Peter has been imprisoned, likely
Read moreBathsheba – a woman of influence
The last chapter of Proverbs has been quoted and taught multiple times in countless generations. Proverbs chapter 31 imparts timeless truths for sons and daughters, mothers and fathers. Truths that transcend time, that pass the ages and will ever be
Read moreBathsheba involved herself in her son’s life
Bathsheba taught her son on relationship with the helpless, substance abuse, future partner and relating with opposite gender as we’ve been going through a series called “A Mother’s Legacy – few lessons from Bathsheba”, and today we’ll be finishing this
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All around us there are warnings, on food packaging, road signs, medications etc. Everywhere you are told what to do and more specifically, what not to do. This was also true for the mother of Lemuel, Bathsheba. She knew that
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In today’s society, a good education is imperative for any child to succeed. Parents spend time and money to get their children a ‘good life’, often at the detriment of their family time together. Bathsheba, who is our focus in
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Tales From The Garden 2 – The earthworm company
TALE FROM THE GARDEN By Elizabeth Adekanmi During the spring/summer of 2020, as we were all in the middle of lock down with only essential services open and children activities at a standstill, I was desperate for creative ways of
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And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. Gen2:18 – And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy
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