Lessons from Philippians: Esteem others better than you

Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.  Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Philippians 2:34 KJV

It is quite easy to seek to esteem yourself, talk about your achievements, your children, your family, your sadness, your joys, etc. and neglect the need of that person beside you. Why the competition amongst us as women? Is it not because we are not walking in Jesus’ footsteps?

The answer to successful relationships is to esteem others better than yourself. The word esteem means admire, respect, regard, honour etc.

Jesus, for example, put others ahead of Him. He put the race of Adam ahead of Himself in that He became one of us and came in the likeness of Adam to identify with us and that He carried our sin nature to the cross. He always puts the needs of others above His.

Jesus, who being in the form of God did not consider it robbery to be equal to God, but took the form of man, and He was despised, and put to death, even the death on the Cross. Phil2:7- 8
In John, Christ washed the feet of His disciples, another sign that He esteemed others above Himself. Jesus served people, He came to earth to serve us. The same way, Joseph also had a good attitude and he portrayed this as he served people. Gen 40:4

Serving people genuinely, allowing someone to go ahead of you puts your faith in action, and that gives you a great privilege to serve Christ as you esteem others above you. Think of that struggle between you and your child, husband, colleague, etc. Is it not a sign of not esteeming others? Are you too proud of yourself and look down at others?

Christ says, the key to wonderful relationships is to put others ahead of you, see the best in others.








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